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Refund and Returns Policy

  • You may return your products within 14 days of date of receipt. The items must be unworn and unwashed and not damaged.
  • For the returned item, we can arrange a replacement or issue a refund after we have received the item.
  • Items must have all tags attached.
  • We do not accept returns that are sent back by you directly without checking with us first.
  • Our customer service will provide a correct return address upon review of your request. The item can only be sent to the address provided by our customer service team.
  • Refunds will be issued back to the original form of payment that was used to place your order. Please allow 48 hours with Paypal and 7-15 days for credit card credits to appear on your account. If you’ve waited more than 14 days for your refund then get in touch with us by going to the “Contact Us” tab on this page.
  • The original shipping fee and insurance are non-refundable.
  • The returns will be made at your cost, unless a mistake is made by StillWater Nolensville.
  • What if you’re past the return policy window of 14 days? We move fast and the turnaround of stock we sell means that we will not be able to resell your goods, so unfortunately we cannot accept returns that are over 45 days.